วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552


Hello Friends!!!

Welcome to my first attempt at writing a blog. Kinda late to catch up isnt it? Well I started this blog for a sole reason: to share with all the sound financial planning that would help us all in 1. have enough money to face any emergency situations, 2. manage wealth accordingly so we can be rich and 3. increase our net value.

Myself, Kevin Singh is a Thai born Indian origin guy aged 27 and currently working as financial advisor with Integrated Wealth Solutions based in Bangkok. I am also studying at Institute of International Studies majoring in International Business Management.

I had been working since I was 18 at one of the leading tailor establishments in Bangkok and for a couple of years handled my own company as well in the same field. My interest in financial field came after reading a biography of Warren Buffet in Wikipedia and thus had been reading a lot of books on stocks, bonds, annuities, life term savings, risk management products and so on. This interest leads me on to my current financial planning career.

In the next blog, I will be sharing with you the basics of wealth management. Till then Bye!


